Good Guys and Bad. Part 3

If you have studied UFOs quite a bit you know that a lady in San Diego, Calif. by the name of Ruth Norman was convinced that the space people would land on a certain date. She and her friends even bought some property on which they could land. She said that they would land their ships one on top of the other, about 32 or 33 on top of one another. The public kidded her about this and she put up a large amount of money in the form of a bet to prove that she was serious. When it all came to the time they were supposed to do it, it never happened. You may wonder why I would still talk about people like this. I still love them and appreciate what they are trying to do. Maybe it will happen one of these days, I don't know. Now my friend Mr. Nidle in Half Moon Bay, Calif. is trying to get enough people to invite the space people to make mass landings very soon. I don't know if he will get enough people to invite them in or not, but I'll keep on hoping, because I have high hopes.

Now for some information that Michael said about Tuella, who I have been told, has recently died, (I don't know whether that is correct or not.)

Michael: Like Job was put through, in the Bible.

Q: All this preparation was just to present an example to these other beings?

Michael: To show them that faith is practical on the worst planet in the whole universe.

Q: About this D-Day when the UFO's are supposed to come, according to Tuella they are going to take us to another planet, according to Hilarion we will be taken to the Earth's core. Over the years there have been various scenarios given. Which one is right?

M: It seems that until recently, different commands in the confederation had a little bit different ideas about exactly how the ultimate devine plan was going to come about. They basically agreed on the basic things.. You know, the evacuations, mass landings, and these things, but, till recently, it wasn't until the galactic council in connection with all of the commands made a final agreement that things would basically go along one main plan. And I find that basically now all channels are pretty much in agreement of how it's going to come about in sequence. As Tuella talks about waves, I talk about three waves that happen. There may be some other smaller landings and pickups of people. Like, the first one'll be more ...she calls it being more secret. But I still see most of the open landings will be very open and will let everyone, even the most skeptical person, know of their reality. And there will be people taken to the inner earth, and aboard many of the great city-ships, the mother ships that are up there. So basically, there are different patterns and different plans that are now merging into one main plan.

Aurora: You could have told about what's the schedule for when we leave, what's going to happen.

M: OK. The first experience that'll be taking place, those who, as Tuella terms - we call ourselves the 'Eagles'. We are the ones who have to return the most responsiblity. We are the ones who have to sort of bring about, to start the process of transformation. When we go, we'll be taken for about two or three weeks of Earth time. During that time we'll be taken aboard the large city-ships, the mother ships that are orbiting the Earth. There's actually 500 milion ships around the Earth, of the confederation.

Q: And we don't see them because...

M: They're usually in the etheric. Now, Aurora has an experience of seeing a lot of these when she was around 25 years of age. The skys were just filled with them over northern Michigan. They showed themselves. And so there are many who are picking this up at this time. They'll be picked up, will be given more of a conscious knowing of what our missions are.

Q: Now you say the first step is the 'Eagles' go up for a few weeks or so?

M: For about two or three weeks.

Q: And then?

M: Then after two or three weeks we'll be brought back. Also, those twin flames, those twin soul mates that have not linked up on Earth, will be reunited becasuse the majority of them are separtated from their other half. One of them is on the ship as a commander, a captain, or a crew member. And there are many twin flames that are beginning to link up at this time, since Aurora and I met in April of last year. When we come back, we will then bring about opportunity for those who don't want the way things are going - for instance, the 'mark of the beast' that a lot of people are talking about which is computerized control, the universal marking they have on the food. And they already have companies who have set up their Laser devices to eventually tattoo people with lasers. And many supermarket stores have built within the counter a device that will be used then to mark everybody. So this is also, in a sense, an indication that things are going to be happening very soon, because they're planning by 1984 - the government is planning by 1984 to bring this about. And it says in Revelations the rapture would happen before then.

JW Well, he has mentioned quite a few words that are farmiliar to Bible


Source Of Information: The El-Legions. Michael and Aurora actually sent me this information.

Part. 3.

John Winston.

Original file name: Good Guys and Bad 3